Marijuana legalization will be examined from the perspective of the interaction of public opinion and public policy. Beyond the extensive research of national trends, we now have opinion to study in several states at different stages of implementation with a variety of regulatory regimes.
Not only is public opinion analyses useful, but a variety of other metrics are available as acceptance and resistance within “legal” states continues with local votes on distribution and taxation. Also, there are growing numbers of studies, often using survey research about benefits and costs, including criminal activity, youth usage, health issues and driving.
Some topics for public opinion and marijuana panel are:
- Current national status of public opinion on legalization of marijuana
- Is national acceptance inevitable?
- Which states are next to legalize? Which are not?
- Change in opinion/political environment due to Attorney General Sessions’ position. Impact on legalization in more states.
- How does it affect adoption of recreational use in legal states?
- Impact of President Trump’s comments on enforcement
- Colorado 5 years into legalization
- What is the geography of recreational/commercialization acceptance?
- What are the economics of marijuana, tax benefits?
- California one year in
- Merge of medical and recreation
- Conflicts between legal and illegal
Public Opinion and Legalization of Marijuana
Doug Schwartz – Quinnipiac University Poll, director, moderator
May 15
5:00 pm
Reception Follows
Sheraton Denver Downtown
David Metz – President of FM3 pollsters in California
Rick Ridder – Campaign manager, pollster (international), Colorado
Skyler McKinley – Former Deputy Director of Colorado Office of Marijuana Coordination, Colorado government affairs AAA
Floyd Ciruli – Director of Crossley Center for Public Opinion Research, Korbel School, DU, pollster
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