Monday, October 10, 2022

Will Ticket Splitters Save Colorado Republicans?

Voting Signs

After some early optimism about Republican Joe O'Dea's election chances, new bipartisan polls show the race about 9 to 10 points in favor the incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet ( Keating, Magellan poll 46-36 Bennet - 10/2/22). Although it's still a month out and the economy is deteriorating, the race does not appear close. The governor's race is even worse with Heidi Ganahl polling an average of 13 points behind Jared Polis.

Real Clear Politics October 3, 2022

Hence, the question, will ticket splitters help Republicans in two other statewide races for Secretary of State and Treasurer? Although ticket splitting has declined both nationally and in Colorado in recent years, the state does have many unaffiliated voters and Republicans have nominated strong candidate for the positions. If they fail it will solidify Colorado's reputation as a blue state and suggest that the Republican Party's relationship with controversial views on abortion and Trump's big lie has damaged their reputation even in down ballot races.

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