Monday, June 2, 2014

Washington Post Covers Polis and Fracking Wars

Ben Terris of the Washington Post analyzed the tension between Congressman Jared Polis’s ambition
to be a leader of the Democratic Party and his fondness for controversial and for Democrats in 2014, divisive causes.

Terris cites The Buzz post, Colorado Democrats Slowly Drift into Conflict” (5-23-14), which argues that Polis’ position on the anti-fracking ballot initiatives has the potential to “end the eight-year run of success of Colorado Democrats.”

But, in a lengthy piece, he suggests Polis is the aviator for “next issues”; i.e., pot, fracking, and the next generation, which may ultimately benefit Democrats.

Ciruli: “Clearly, he’s made a calculated decision that being in the driver’s seat on a key issue will be better for him and the party in the long run,” Ciruli says in a phone interview. “It may be seen as less cooperative, and some Democrats are worried, but it’s calculated.”

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