Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Jesse Paul, Colorado Sun: Mayor’s Race Very Negative, Very Personal

Jesse Paul, formerly with the Denver Post, has a long concluding story in the Colorado Sun on the Denver mayor’s race becoming a “fiery personality clash” (May 31, 2019).

He quoted The Buzz of May 30, “Denver Votes Trickling In; Hancock Vulnerable by Late Stumble”:

“If Jamie Giellis derailed the beginning of her campaign with the NAACP memory lapse, Michael Hancock is even more damaged by his late clumsy effort to reframe his sexual harassment controversy in a final debate one week out before Election Day,” he posted on his blog.

The election has a lot of money, a lot of social media, many new voters, and a lot at stake for the development community and city interest groups. You can expect it to get personal and negative, especially in the anti-establishment, change era that is challenging the status quo.

Jamie Giellis (L) and Mayor Michael Hancock | Jesse Paul/The Colorado Sun

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