Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Denver Runoff Election Has Lower Turnout

The final ballot total hasn’t been reported by the Denver Clerk yet, but the June 5 posting at 2:00 pm shows 165,337 votes, or approximately 19,000 less than the May 7 runoff.

The percentage of turnout among independent voters fell off a couple of points and Democrats went up. But in general, turnout was down across-the-board among partisan groups. Overall turnout was 41 percent of 407,140 registered voters. Runoffs often attract more voters, but not always. Turnout was down in Wellington Webb’s and John Hickenlooper’s first runoffs.

As usual, most ballots were turned in the last weekend and on Election Day, June 4. On the final day, 80,000 ballots were recorded, or 48 percent of the vote. Similarly, during the runoff, 80,000 ballots were received on Election Day, or 43 percent (out of 184,000 cast).

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