Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Rotary Club Takes on Mental Health Cause

At the Rotary State of the State Luncheon, Molly Bloom of “Molly’s Game” held the audience of 600 with her story of skiing, gaming and mental turmoil. As a motivational speaker and AA Step 12 participant, she encourages people to seek help.

The Rotary has taken up mental health as their major mission, partnering with some of the area’s largest medical organizations, such as the Colorado Health Foundation, HealthONE, Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children and the Mental Health Center of Denver.

I discussed with Channel 9’s Kim Christiansen, the event moderator, the midterm election and the new political environment. Specifically, I pointed out that although voters opposed statewide ballot issues that raised taxes, they were very generous with local requests, including mental health.

Kim Christiansen and Molly Bloom
Mental Health on Ballot. Mental health, alternative-sentencing and public safety were significant topics on the ballot in the 2018 election. Four Front Range counties offered proposals to fund new programs and facilities to address mental health, drug addiction and alternative-sentencing through increased or extended sales taxes.

In Boulder, El Paso and Larimer counties, county commissioners placed measures on the ballot. In Denver, a petition effort supported by advocates was used. The sales taxes range from a .185 extension in Boulder, which will raise $10 million annually for 5 years, to .25 increases in Denver and Larimer, producing $45 million a year for 10 years and $16.5 million a year for 20 years, respectively. The El Paso sales tax extension is for 10 years and goes into the general fund for use of the Sheriff’s Department. All four taxes passed substantially.

  • The sales tax is being used for public safety-type measures. In 2018, sales taxes are popular, with local sales tax increases proposed for various programs and facilities.
  • Sales taxes are being used to build facilities.
  • All four proposals have sunset provisions.
  • Three reference mental and behavioral health. El Paso County cites emergency response.
  • Three proposals include programs, especially aimed at diverting people from the criminal justice system and offering various treatments and educational and vocational programs.

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