Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Accelerated Investigation Cycle

Much like the 24/7 news cycle, there is an accelerated investigative cycle that involves at least four major congressional committees in both houses and numerous agencies, some with direct, but others with only tangential jurisdiction.

Although President Trump managed to escape Washington’s relentless politics for nine days, the investigations are issuing subpoenas, booking testimony, and gathering staffs and budgets.

Unfortunately for the White House, a normal ally (although the Breitbart crowd now believes Fox News has sold out) issued a poll on Wednesday, May 24, which supported the arguments supporting the investigations, not Trump’s views on “hoaxes” and “witch hunts.” For example, registered voters nationally believe Russia is a foe, the Comey firing was self-serving and an independent investigation needed. Fox News poll:
  • Russia foe – Voters see Russia as an enemy – 64%. They believe Trump sees it as an ally – 73%.
  • Firing Comey – Voters said yes – 34%, no – 53%. Real reason for firing “because Comey’s investigation was harming Trump’s presidency” – 60%, not because it was harming the FBI – 29%.
  • Special Counsel – Voters approve appointment of appointing special counsel – 68%
The President’s approval rating was 40 percent, not much changed from the previous month, but down from the January Inaugural.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller may be the key player in the overall investigation, but the number of committees, agencies, lawyers, news media and leakers engaged guarantees this will be a story throughout 2017. The White House finally gets it and has hired lawyers and set up a war room. Of course, it may generate news, some of it bad.

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