Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Republicans More Active Voters and More Likely Voters

Considering both active and inactive voters, Democrats are now a larger voting group than Republicans in Colorado. But, in terms of active voters; i.e., those who will receive ballots due to previous participation or being newly registered, Republicans form the largest group by 11,000 voters. Unaffiliated voters beat them both by more than 55,000 voters.

A recent analysis of likely voters in this year’s presidential race indicates that fall-off from active to likely voters will be about 13 percent on average, with the largest decline among unaffiliated voters (20%).

Registration shows how closely balanced the state is in its partisanship, with a substantial number of people undecided. However, it should be kept in mind that many registered voters have long left their original registration preference, and even more will shift parties and vote for the person in a particular election. That’s what makes it interesting.

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