Wednesday, February 11, 2015

National Security Strategy and Sexual Identity Politics

The President’s newly released National Security Strategy (29-page document) identifies sexual identity politics as a national security issue. Karen DeYoung in her Washington Post report quoted
Susan Rice: “Advancing equality is both morally right and smart strategy.”

National Security Advisor Susan Rice
It clearly has become part of the arsenal of attacks from Vladimir Putin as he resists what he considers the offensive interference in Russian affairs from the West and he attempts to assemble the world’s traditionalists in a counterattack.

Americans are not as accepting of gay rights as many countries in Western Europe, but there is a significant international divide of acceptance of homosexuality and much of the Middle East, Asia and the Far East are on Russia’s side of low acceptance.

There are also differences between men and women and younger and older citizens worldwide.

See Pew: The global divide on homosexuality 

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure that there are more countries in Europe than the five shown.
    What about Spain, Latvia, Malta, etc.
