Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Denver Post Endorsement: Game Changer?

If Colorado flips, Harry Reid is out. And the odds of that happening just jumped with the very strong Denver Post endorsement of Cory Gardner.

How Cory Gardner uses the endorsement will decide its influence, but the arguments the Post makes align perfectly with Gardner’s case for retiring Udall:
  • Washington is gridlocked. It needs “fresh leadership, energy and ideas.”
  • Gardner has been a reservoir of ideas and leadership from the start of his career.
  • Udall is a fine man, but “not perceived as a leader” and “not at the center of the issues that count.”
  • Udall’s multi-million dollar “war on women” ad campaign is now damaging him more than Gardner. As the Post says, the “obnoxious one-issue campaign is insult to those he seeks to convince.”
  • Flipping the Senate to Republican control will, in their view, be more productive for the next two years. President Obama’s desire for a legacy and Republican self-interest in repairing their reputation for gridlock could converge and would be enhanced in the Post’s view by Gardner’s election (See The Buzz, October 13).
The overall theme is that the best anecdote to gridlock is change.

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