Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bush Family Still Influences American Politics

Twenty-five years have passed since the inauguration of George H.W. Bush. The family gathered for a celebration at the Bush Library at College Station. Condi Rice, Richard Haass and Robert Gates all took part, a reminder that foreign policy was a Bush strength, especially related to Russia.

At a moment the U.S. is threatened and appears on the defensive, the reunion recalls Bush’s deft handling of the collapse of the USSR without triumphalism or conflict. And his six-week Gulf War is considered a model of assembling a coalition (34 nations) and maintaining a limited military mission.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush received considerable attention since interest in his presidential ambitions increased as Governor Christie’s support sank dealing with the bridge controversy. The Republican establishment wants a qualified centrist in the race, and Bush is a leader of the moderate wing of the party. He currently is at the high end of the modest percentage of support that the scattered Republican field is receiving.
Bush is boldly proclaiming an immigration reform message and is featured in an independently-funded media campaign with Governor Bobby Jindal broadcasting mainstream GOP themes, such as school choice, bottom-up economic development and small government.

Even President G.W. Bush managed to get some front page coverage at the reunion with his new portraits of world leaders. A shark-like Vladimir Putin was a favorite.

CBS News: Jeb Bush, Rand Paul top GOP’s 2016 presidential wish list: Poll
Newsmax: WaPost Poll: Christie plunges in support behindPaul Ryan, Jeb Bush

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