Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Governor’s State of the State Message, Part 3

Both sides of the aisle are maneuvering for advantage as the legislative session starts. Each side wants to sound reasonable, but expect a battle. Governor Hickenlooper’s challenge is to set an agenda and say “no,” loudly, more than “yes.”

Issue 6

Democratic agenda in the statehouse

Democrats won big legislative majorities in the 2012 election and passed most of their agenda, starting with high-profile gun control, and following with civil unions, college aid for undocumented students and renewable energy standards for rural areas. Criticized as overreach, the session contributed to the recalls, a secession movement and weak poll numbers for the governor. Can Democrats hold their majorities in 2014?

Issue 7

With hit to his popularity, has Hick’s luck run out?

Hickenlooper began the year with high approval ratings and ended it with ratings much lower. Along with being tainted by the perceived runaway Democratic legislature, he reprieved mass murderer Nathan Dunlap in a widely covered and disjointed news conference and lost 10 points of approval. Throughout his political life, Hickenlooper has had luck on his side. Will it hold in 2014?

Issue 8

Catastrophe challenges: Forest fires and floods

The Front Range flooding and Black Forest fire were tragic and expensive. Extreme weather continued to create havoc for Coloradans and challenges for politicians. State and local government responded, with Hickenlooper leading the effort, and all won kudos. Handling weather emergencies has become a key element of any political executive's job.

See Denver Post: In 2013, the issues that mattered most in Colorado politics

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