Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Extreme Anti-Fracking Initiative Hits a Wall

The mostly out-of-state sponsored and funded promoters who promised an across-the-board anti-fracking, anti-infrastructure ballot initiative have been told by the Democratic Party’s two most powerful Boulder legislators to forget it. Democratic House Majority Leader Dickey Lee Hullinghorst and Rollie Heath, Majority Leader of the Senate, have both said they wouldn’t support a statewide ban.

They are wise. Not only do polls show a fracking ban lacks statewide support, but by adding roads, dams and other infrastructure projects they ensure a powerful statewide coalition in opposition.

Importantly, Democratic support would highlight their aggressive partisan image just as they are trying to tamp it down. An anti-fracking ban would also divide the Democratic Party with the progressive business community and the Governor in opposition.

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