Friday, November 1, 2013

Rocky Colorado – Ron Brownstein and National Journal

National Journal reporter Ron Brownstein just published an analysis of Colorado’s politics that captures the conflicting forces of empowered Democratic politicians on the defense, but Republicans still unable to take advantage due to failure to find a unifying leader or message.
This record [legislative] might not seem excessive for California Democrats, but it is testing the boundaries here. “Every poll shows that [on] individual issues like gun control or civil unions, the public was with them,” said Floyd Ciruli, an independent Denver-based pollster. “But the collective sense that they were going too far has hurt them.”
This backlash has manifested itself in two successful recalls of Democratic state senators, driven by gun-rights advocates; an ongoing third recall that would provide Republicans control of the state Senate if it succeeds; ballot initiatives next week seeking support for secession from the state in 11 small rural counties; and a tumble (although not collapse) in Hickenlooper’s once-lofty approval ratings.
Brownstein’s bottom line is that Colorado – the ultimate swing state – mirrors and anticipates the national political landscape.

See article:  Colorado is America, writ small

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