Monday, October 14, 2013

As Expected, Democrats Stay Left

The ascension of Majority Leader Morgan Carroll to Senate President, replacing recalled Senator John Morse, gave the Democrat caucus an even more liberal cast. The new Majority Leader, Rollie Heath, who refers to himself as a businessperson, is mostly associated with one-billion plus dollars of tax increases as the author of Amendment 103 in 2010 and Amendment 66 this year.

In a Valerie Richardson article in the Colorado Observer (10-9-13):
“They’re two of the most liberal members of the legislature, which is not surprising, because I think the Democratic caucus is a very liberal caucus,” said Denver pollster Floyd Ciruli. “Clearly you’re going to get more of the same if the leadership is any indication.”
“To do both Carroll and Heath—to not put in a Mary Hodge type to help moderate the caucus—is very deliberate and a choice that says they’re going to be on the path that they were on in the last session,” said Ciruli.
Analysts say the caucus vote also comes as an ill omen for Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, who took a beating in the polls after signing off on much of the 2013 legislature’s aggressive agenda on energy, gun control and education.
“This says bad news for the governor in my view,” said Ciruli. “This sends a signal that, ‘We intend on being what we were.’ It means he needs to be more aggressive in defending his position.”
Also see:
Denver Post: Colorado Senate Democrats tap Morgan Carroll as next president
Denver Post: Carroll: Colorado Senate Democrats look to the left

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