Thursday, March 7, 2013

Colorado No. 1 in Wellbeing in Continental U.S.

Colorado, compared to the other 48 states, is first in the national Gallup wellbeing index.  Hawaii consistently scores number one among all 50 states.

The wellbeing index is a combination of six sub-indexes. Colorado gets its highest rating in physical health, which reflects lower rates of obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Colorado and Hawaii are joined by Minnesota, Utah and Vermont as the top five states in the wellbeing index.  West Virginia, along with border or southern states of Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas, dominate the bottom of the index.

The sub-indexes rate a series of conditions related to an individual’s wellbeing, including a general evaluation of a person’s life; their emotional health, such as worry and depression; work environment; physical health; health behavior, such as diet and smoking; and finally, access to basic necessities, such as food, health care and housing.
Hawaii scored first in life evaluation, emotional health and work environment. West Virginia residents rated the worst on life evaluation, emotional and physical health.  Massachusetts had the best access to the basics and Mississippi the worst, including lacking access to sufficient food for individuals and families.

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