Friday, November 4, 2011

Obama Offers McIssues Strategy

President Obama is in full campaign mode with travel, talking points and policy all aimed at his tough re-election.

His recent trips to Nevada and Colorado were staged to appeal to key constituencies in swing states.

Colorado’s first visit was to a Hispanic high school to talk about the jobs bill.  His second trip went to a Denver college campus to announce his student loan initiative.  Hispanics and students are key constituents – jobs and debt are important to them.

The only difference in the two visits is that the jobs bill is now effectively old news, politically dead due to a Senate, including several Democrats, being unwilling to pass it.

So, the new strategy is the old Bill Clinton approach of McIssues.  Everyone recalls school uniforms as an education initiative.  When you can’t pass legislation, find ideas, typically with more symbolism than substance, that can be done with presidential action alone.  The mortgage and student loan changes proposed have limited impact, but high campaign value when combined with well-targeted presidential visits, good visuals and hot rhetoric about Republicans intransigence.

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