Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aurora’s Mayoral Race Attracts Money and Candidates

The two top candidates for mayor of Aurora have raised more than a million dollars. An open seat and Aurora remaining a friendly city for developers has attracted big money and some tough competition.

Steve Hogan is ahead in the money race, but Ryan Frazier is running close. A recent poll has Frazier in the lead. Frazier’s advantage is name identification and partisanship. He was the Republican standard-bearer in a recent high-profile congressional race.

Hogan is trying to be the establishment candidate (he has senior Tauer’s support) and has collected a substantial amount of developer money. Both Hogan and Frazier have had a hard time finding a serious political job. Who finally makes it?

See Aurora Sentinel article: With no incumbent running, ring full of Aurora mayoral hopeful hats

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