Thursday, April 28, 2011


In a likely low turnout election, with no overarching personality or theme motivating voters, get-out-the-vote techniques become more important. Systematic, repetitive voter contacts are used to remind voters to fill out their mail-in ballots.

Each candidate is working to turn out his or her vote.

• Phone banks
• Robo calls with known personages
• Direct mail
• Follow-up calls to identified voters who haven’t returned ballots
• Late endorsements put in mail/robo calls
• Community events
• Walk neighborhoods
• TV
“This could be a race decided by a few thousand votes on May 3, because partially it looks like very few people are voting,” 9News Political Analyst Floyd Ciruli said. (9News interview, April 27, 2011)
See news articles:
Denver PostHard-working mayoral candidates not mailing it in for all-mail election
9News – 3 lead candidates fight for 2 spots in Denver mayoral race

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