Tuesday, April 19, 2011

At-Large Race Lacks Visibility

Should the two at-large Denver City Council seats be abolished? The race is largely invisible, and the two winners could take their seats with barely 20 percent of the vote.

At a recent forum, the candidates gave a stout defense of having someone on council with a citywide perspective. But, comments from the sparse audience indicated that the at-large concept was little appreciated. Most people thought district seats were harder fought by candidates and more closely followed by voters.

The Denver Young Democrats sponsored a forum April 13 in the Washington Park neighborhood. Candidates were well-versed, but gave mostly cautious and conventional answers.

At-Large Candidates
  • Josh DaviesA business background. Well-spoken.
  • Rich Gonzales - Long city experience with the most management experience and more conservative viewpoints.
  • Robin Kniech - The liberal/labor candidate.
  • Debbie Ortega - Did not attend.
  • Jesse Shelmire - Young with environmental orientation.
In the lightning round, they universally said they would let Police Chief Whitman go and vote against the pay raise. They mostly waffled on the pit bull ban and a garbage fee.

See articles:
Denver PostFive vie for two at-large city council seats in Denver
North Denver TribuneAt-large candidates on NW issues

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