Friday, August 20, 2010

Hickenlooper Starts His Campaign

John Hickenlooper starts his media campaign in a shower. Strange, but not surprising. In 2003 when Hickenlooper ran his first campaign ads for mayor, he took on downtown parking meters in a humorous ad. In his assist to the 2005 Referendum C campaign, he jumped out of an airplane. Hickenlooper goes for the smile.

As I commented on KOA August 19, the ad is well-designed and the message is basically defensive. He’s trying to inoculate himself from the inevitable onslaught of negative ads that will attack him as a liberal, big-spending Democrat.

So, his first ad attacks negative ads, which most voters say they don’t like. The ad voiceover claims Colorado needs a governor who “brings people together to create jobs and cut government spending” – essentially Republican themes.

The ad’s most effective aspect, however, is its non-partisan, good government tone. It is vintage Hickenlooper, the funny, quirky non-politician who just wants to work together for the common good – nice start.

To see press release and Hickenlooper's new ad, click here.

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