Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Health Care Legislation Not a Political Asset in Colorado

There has been considerable speculation if the national health care legislation that passed last March could be turned into a political asset for Colorado Democrats who voted for it, e.g. Senator Michael Bennet and Congresswoman Betsy Markey. According to recent Rasmussen Reports polls, Colorado voters still oppose the legislation and, in fact, hope it’s stopped as State Attorney General John Suthers is attempting to do with a lawsuit.

As the chart below shows, there is very little change in position since the bill was passed. A near majority of Colorado voters strongly favor repeal of the bill.

The idea of Suthers’ lawsuit challenging the insurance mandate as unconstitutional has considerable support in Colorado. Forty-seven percent of voters “strongly oppose” the insurance mandate and another nine percent “somewhat oppose” it. Only 25 percent “strongly support” it.

Rasmussen specifically asked if Colorado voters favor or oppose a lawsuit to prevent the legislation becoming law and 53 percent favored a lawsuit and 37 percent opposed it.

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